Case Study 9: Enhancing Team Self-Management and Collaboration with AI Assistants

In a technology company, a culturally diverse team that was intended to be self-managing struggled under a Subject Matter Expert (SME) who micromanaged team members and criticized their self-management capabilities. After observing the team’s interactions for a month and comparing them with more self-managing teams, Upgrading Self identified the SME’s micromanagement as a critical issue. The introduction of AI assistants as a survey tool provided valuable feedback, which helped coach the SME and significantly improved team collaboration, cultural cohesiveness, productivity, and innovation.

Case Study 6: Increasing Contractor Productivity and Minimizing Operational Waste

A small-scale manufacturing company was losing $5,000 monthly due to ineffective contractor supervision when the chief engineer was absent. Upgrading Self analyzed the contractor management practices, introduced a comprehensive training program, and implemented Agile best practices with checklists. As a result, the company eliminated the $5,000 monthly waste, increased contractor productivity, and improved overall operational efficiency.

Case Study 2: Boosting Capacity and Morale in Product Teams

Case Study 2: The product teams were facing low morale and reduced capacity, affecting productivity and performance. To address these issues, a comprehensive assessment was conducted, including data collection on workflows, analysis of process inefficiencies, and development of action plans. By implementing these plans and escalating them to leadership, the product teams achieved a 74% increase in capacity and improved morale, leading to greater productivity and more effective project execution.

The Change Curve and Self Awareness

As your group advances through the various stages of development, it would be beneficial for you to monitor how you react to change. Being aware of the various phases of the change curve, and making the effort to perceive and understand what phase you are in at every point in time is a form of self awareness.
Being able to monitor this in others is a skill that could come in handy if you are a coach

Self Improvement and Stages of Grief

As self-awareness presents an opportunity for self-improvement, you will become aware of any changes that would alter life as you know it. Losing a version of yourself that you are so fond of, in some cases, would be like losing a loved one. Therefore, in self-improvement journey, it is important to understand the different stages of grief you would have to go through – in no particular order