Case Study 2: Boosting Capacity and Morale in Product Teams


The product teams were experiencing significantly low morale and reduced capacity, impacting their productivity and overall performance. The leadership needed a solution to improve team effectiveness and address the underlying issues affecting team capacity.


The primary challenge was to identify and understand the reasons behind the low morale and reduced capacity within the product teams. This involved analyzing existing processes, uncovering risks, and determining actionable steps to improve the situation.


To address the issue, a comprehensive assessment was undertaken. The process involved:

  1. Observing and Collecting Data: The first step was to observe the teams in action and collect data on their existing workflows and processes. This included documenting team interactions, identifying bottlenecks, and gathering feedback from team members about their experiences and challenges.
  2. Data Analysis and Visualization: The collected data was then analyzed to reveal the risks and causes of reduced capacity. Charts and graphs were plotted to visualize process inefficiencies, communication breakdowns, and other key issues. This visualization helped in understanding the impact of these problems on team performance.
  3. Action Plan Development: Based on the analysis, possible action plans were developed to mitigate identified risks. These plans included suggestions for process improvements, resource reallocation, and strategies to enhance team morale and engagement.
  4. Escalation to Leadership: The findings and proposed action plans were escalated to both IT and business leadership. This ensured that the necessary support and resources were allocated to implement the recommended changes and address the issues effectively.


The implementation of the action plans led to a 74% improvement in the capacity of the product teams. The teams showed increased productivity and higher morale, as the targeted improvements addressed the root causes of their challenges. The data-driven approach provided clear insights and facilitated effective decision-making to enhance team performance.


The comprehensive needs analysis and subsequent action plans resulted in a significant boost in the capacity and morale of the product teams. This improvement not only enhanced team productivity but also contributed to more effective project execution and overall organizational success.


“Onyi’s expertise was transformative for our teams. His detailed data analysis and actionable recommendations greatly improved our capacity and morale. His clear problem-solving approach and dedication had a significant impact on our overall performance.” — IT Manager, Product Teams

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