Case Study 6: Increasing Contractor Productivity and Minimizing Operational Waste


A small-scale manufacturing company was losing $5,000 monthly due to inefficiencies related to contractor supervision. The chief engineer, who also served as the business owner, was frequently absent to attend to other business matters, leading to ineffective micromanagement of contractors and subsequent financial losses.


The main challenge was to address the financial losses incurred during the chief engineer’s absences. It was critical to identify the gaps in contractor supervision and implement a solution that would maintain productivity and reduce waste without overburdening the business owner.


Upgrading Self was engaged to analyze the situation and develop a strategy to mitigate the losses. The solution involved several key steps:

  1. Needs Analysis: Upgrading Self conducted a thorough analysis of contractor management practices. This included reviewing current workflows, collecting feedback from contractors, and observing operational inefficiencies during periods when the chief engineer was absent.
  2. Training and Empowerment: Based on the findings, Upgrading Self introduced a comprehensive training program for the contractors. This training focused on empowering contractors with the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively without constant supervision.
  3. Implementation of Agile Best Practices: Agile methodologies were introduced to improve workflow and productivity. This involved:
    • Agile Training: Educating contractors on Agile principles, including iterative progress reviews and adaptive planning.
    • Checklists and Standard Operating Procedures: Developing detailed checklists and SOPs to ensure consistency and quality in contractor work, even in the chief engineer’s absence.
  4. Boosting Morale: The training and new practices were designed not only to improve productivity but also to boost contractor morale. Clear expectations and regular feedback helped create a more engaging work environment.


The implementation of these strategies led to a significant reduction in the monthly financial losses. The company saved the $5,000 that was previously wasted due to inefficiencies. Contractor productivity increased, and morale improved due to the structured approach and empowerment provided by the new training and practices.


The comprehensive approach adopted by Upgrading Self addressed the core issues affecting contractor performance and supervision. By training and empowering contractors and implementing Agile best practices, the company achieved operational efficiency and financial savings. This strategic intervention allowed the chief engineer to focus on other critical aspects of the business, while the contractors operated more effectively and independently.


“Upgrading Self’s expertise in streamlining our contractor management and enhancing team productivity was a game-changer for our company. Their thorough analysis and tailored solutions not only helped us eliminate the $5,000 monthly waste but also significantly boosted our operational efficiency. Their professional approach and effective implementation of Agile practices truly transformed our approach to managing contractors.” — Chief Engineer and Business Owner, Small-Scale Manufacturing Company

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